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My Health, My LifeKinder

Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau
Strength and Performance

Get the bowel going with sport Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? Then you are already doing [...]

Kategoriefoto Ernährung Nahaufnahme Topview Arbeitsplatte
Recipes and Ideas

The gut can be colonised by good bacteria which help you digest your food and bad bacteria, which are a [...]

Schnell abnehmen: Erfolg auch ohne Radikaldiät
Successfully lose weight

Lose weight effectively: Without stress through long-term dietary changes On average, we spend six years of our lives on diets [...]

Gesunde Gemüsekiste mit vielen Ballaststoffen und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen
Strengthen immune system

Das Immunsystem ist unser Schutzschild gegen Krankheitserreger – eine leistungsstarke Barriere, oder vielmehr ein Wächter, der schädliche Bakterien, Viren, Pilze, [...]

Bad skin? Your gut microbiome could be to blame

Bad skin? Your gut microbiome could be to blame Experts reveal top tips on how good gut health can help [...]

Die spezifische Immunabwehr
The specific immune response – what is it actually?

The immune system is the bouncer of your body. It decides who gets in and who gets out. And your [...]

Vegane Lebensmittel: Pflanzliche Alternativen kennen
Long-term slimming – with the help of intestinal rehabilitation

A bowel restoration can help you to restore the balanced state of your bowel. The aim of intestinal rehabilitation is to [...]

Fruchtsalat mit Minze
Nutrient deficiency

With a healthy and varied diet vegetarians usually have no nutrient deficiencies to fear. Vegetarians should pay attention to nutrients [...]

Nahaufnahme Wasserkefirkristalle
Water kefir – The probiotic lemonade!

What is water kefir? The kefir crystals (also called Japanese crystals, Japanese seaweed, tibicos or Himalayan crystal algae) are small, [...]

Digestion: enzymes play a central role

We eat what we like. And we absorb important nutrients with our food. However, thorough chewing alone is not enough [...]

Kombucha – trendy drink or natural miracle cure?

What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea that is easy to make using a kombucha culture (tea fungus, SCOBY [...]

Frau mit Laktoseintoleranz
Intestinal rehabilitation for lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance: Treat the gut to a cure Lactose intolerance can be hard on the gut, especially if you continue [...]

Körperlich jung bleiben
Safeguard your youth: How maintaining healthy intestinal flora can keep you invigorated well beyond 50

Safeguard your youth: How maintaining healthy intestinal flora can keep you invigorated well beyond 50 Not many people realise that [...]

New study indicates short-term fasting is highly beneficial to gut health & overall health

Periodic fasting following the ‘Buchinger’ method not only leads to significant weight loss, but also has a direct effect on [...]

Get to grips with gut health: Five tips for a fit and healthy SS/21

As we head into the spring/summer season, our list of goals is always the same: plan fun activities, get in [...]

Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau
Lose weight and build muscle: How is that compatible?

Build muscle and lose fat is based on different metabolic processes. Build muscle and lose fat? And both have contradictory [...]

Strengthening your immune system

The immune system is the biological defence system against pathogens Your immune system protects you from infections and improves your [...]

Darmflora nach der Darmspiegelung: So baust du sie wieder auf
How intestinal bacteria work with flatulence

Your stomach sometimes feels unpleasantly bloated or very hard after eating or in the morning? You are not alone with [...]

How intestinal bacteria work in constipation

Did you know? How the toilet flushes out depends on trillions of little helpers. We're talking intestinal bacteria. Constipation, diarrhoea [...]

Mutter mit Kind
Building up the intestinal flora in a child: Here’s how

Our intestines not only take care of our digestion, but also have to cope with environmental influences and stress every [...]

Darmflora nach Darmspiegelung Mikroskop
Intestinal flora after colonoscopy: How to rebuild it

With the help of a colonoscopy, changes in the bowel can be detected early on. During the examination, the doctor [...]

Magen-Darm-Tee Darmflora nach Grippe aufbauen
Build up intestinal flora after gastro-enteritis: Here’s how it works

Gastrointestinal diseases are among the most common infectious diseases. If the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are inflamed, [...]

Darmflora: Immunsystem aus dem Bauch heraus Foto Darm
Intestinal flora: immune system from the stomach

80 percent of the defence cells are located in the intestine. The intestine and its bacterial strains thus play a [...]

Darmsanierung: So funktioniert’s in Eigenregie
Intestinal cleansing: How it works all by itself

Thousands of species of bacteria live in the intestines. Together they form the microbiome, your individual intestinal flora. Sometimes it [...]

Darmentzündung und welche Ernährung empfehlenswert ist

Diet to improve gut bacteria?What do your defence system, your metabolism and your psyche have in common? According to research, [...]

Gestörte Darmflora: Wenn Darmbakterien Symptome hervorrufen
Disturbed intestinal flora: When intestinal bacteria cause symptoms

Where is the body's own defence system actually located? It is now scientifically proven that the immune system is largely [...]

Inflammation of the bowel

People who frequently have problems with their stomach and intestines know that it is often difficult to find the exact [...]

Darmentzündung und welche Ernährung empfehlenswert ist
Inflammation of the bowels: What diet is recommended?

What diet is recommended? The correct nutrition plan plays a decisive role in intestinal inflammation since it can relieve symptoms and promote [...]

Mikrobiom vs Depression
Microbiome vs. depression: How intestinal bacteria help you

Love literally goes through the stomach. Or better said, through the intestines, because intestinal bacteria influence the mood. Or have [...]

Gut-brain axis: The connection between the gut and the brain

The intestine can digest much more than "just" food: A network of around 100 million nerve cells runs through the entire gastrointestinal tract and [...]

Darmgeräusche Assoziationsbild Hände auf Bauch
Bowel sounds

Bubbling, growling, mumbling: Stomach and intestines like to make themselves noticeable. How does this actually happen, and are particularly loud [...]

Frau mit gestresstem Darm und Stressbauch
How your bowel triggers stress and stress burdens your bowel

"Stress hits the stomach": You've probably experienced the real effects of that saying yourself. The entire digestive tract is closely [...]

Aufbau Immunsystem. Gutes und starkes Immunsystem. Frau mit Schirm
Immune system composition

In everyday life, everyone comes into contact with a multitude of pathogens. It is the task of your body's own [...]

ausgewogener Ernährung: Frisches Lachsfilet mit Kräutern, Gewürzen und Gemüse
Strengthen your immune system: With a balanced diet

"You are what you eat", "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", "Eat yourself healthy" – nutrition and the [...]

Viren gegen Abwehrkräfte auf der Spur
Testing the immune system: Keeping track of the defensive forces

Your immune system must perform at its best every day. While most people's defenses do their job reliably, other people [...]

Immunschwäche wenn die Abwehr nicht funktioniert
Immunodeficiency: When the immune system goes on strike

Actually the immune system is very resistant. However, it occasionally happens that it is unable to fight off pathogens that [...]

Eltern mit Kindern
Strengthen the immune system: Children benefit from this

The human immune system is extremely complex – it therefore takes several years for it to fully develop. At the [...]

The best for the baby: Strengthening the immune system from the very beginning

At the beginning of their lives, babies are still protected by maternal antibodies. This protection slowly decreases during the first [...]

Muscle building for beginners: How to get started

With muscle building your body reacts when the corresponding muscle is irritated by training. If you challenge your body beyond [...]

Fast muscle gain – this is how you achieve visible success

You owe muscle mass to the adaptation process of your body: If you challenge it beyond its previous performance limits, [...]

Paar frühstückt, gesundes essen
Support muscle building through proper nutrition

You've been lifting weights in the gym for weeks, but the muscles just won't grow? In this case, your diet [...]

E-coli-Bakterien - das machen sie im Darm
E. coli bacteria: That’s what they do in the intestines

What are E. coli bacteria? E. coli bacteria – or simply E. coli bacteria – are considered to be the [...]

Ist Abnehmen ohne Sport und Radikaldiät möglich
Is it possible to lose weight without sport and a radical diet?

You have little time for sports in everyday life – or physical limitations prevent you from doing so? That doesn't [...]

Trainer misst das Körperfett einer sportlichen Frau mit einem Messschieber.
Calculate body fat percentage: Which values are healthy?

Body fat regulates body temperature, protects organs and tissues and is one of the most important energy stores in humans. [...]

Síndrome del intestino irritable – un diagnóstico con desviaciones
Intestinal diet – what is it?

If you want to lose weight, you have to have a healthy diet and do sports. So far, so right? [...]

How to get rid of extra abdominal fat

A little hip gold is no reason for a diet: after all, adipose tissue regulates your body temperature, protects your [...]

Calculate ideal weight – this is how it works

Some rely on their gut feeling, others on the display of their scales. Still others swear by a measuring tape [...]

Vegan diet – the 6 best foods for a balanced intestinal flora

With vegans, nothing coming from an animal can get on the plate. They live without meat, fish, eggs, honey and [...]

Adiposity Grades

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified three different obesity levels that depend on a number of variables. The aim [...]

Abnehmen mit Darmbakterien So gehts Foto Fettmessgerät
Adiposity: definition, risk factors and symptoms

Popular disease overweight: In Germany alone, about 67 percent of all men and 53 percent of all women are overweight. [...]

Bacteroidetes: That is why you should care for them

Your intestine is home to a multitude of bacteria – in total, your intestinal microbiome (the technical term for your [...]

Muscle gain in a old age

Muscle building exercises are important at any age. At BIOMES you can find out what muscle building exercises should look [...]

Gesunde Lebensmittel
High Protein: Support muscle building with targeted protein supply

Proteins, i.e. albuminous substances, are among the most important building blocks of the body. They consist of various vital amino [...]

Abnehmen mit Stoffwechselanalyse
Metabolic analysis – losing weight in harmony with the metabolism?

If you want to lose weight, you should stimulate your metabolism. What sounds easy in theory is sometimes not so [...]

Detox-Wasser-Cocktail Anleitung
Purification cure – this is how Detox works

Whether on time for the summer holidays, after an extended Christmas feast or simply in between - detoxing is the [...]

Entgiftende Lebensmittel. Grüner Smoothie.
What are detoxifying foods?

If you have a healthy diet, drink enough water, and exercise twice a week, you are doing a lot right. [...]

Detox-Getränk Entgiftungskur
Detoxification made easy

Whether it be pesticides, fast food, medicines, or cosmetics, our bodies have a lot of toxins to process. Our intestines, [...]

Detoxify the body: with natural methods

There are numerous theories and opinions about pollutants stored in the body and how they can be flushed out again. [...]

Colitis ulcerosa: Die Ursachen der chronischen Darmkrankheit
Important food supplements for vegans

When you eat vegan food, you avoid all animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. But they [...]

Carefree vegan: avoid vitamin B12 deficiency and other vitamin deficiencies

Deficiency symptoms are among the risks of a vegan diet. The probably biggest endangerment for vegans represents a lack of [...]

Deficiency symptoms

Nutrient deficiencies caused by a vegan diet. Vegan nutrition: What deficiencies do vegans have to fear? The vegan diet is [...]

Vegane Lebensmittel: Pflanzliche Alternativen kennen
Vegan Food: Knowing Vegetable Alternatives

What is vegan and which foods are not? Vegan is any food that does not consist of meat, fish, egg [...]

Vegan food
Vegan Food: Benefits and Potential Risks

Some people eat vegan food for moral reasons - i.e. because of the animals or for reasons of environmental protection. [...]

Ernährungsplan erstellen Assoziationsbild
From now on vegan – conversion made easy

A purely vegan diet means, especially for beginners, [...] a great challenge. eople always choose to live vegan. The transition [...]

Vegetarische Bowl Vegetarier*in werden und abnehmen: Ist es so einfach?
Vegetarian Weight Loss

Is a vegetarian diet suitable to permanently reduce your body weight? Maybe you're toying with the idea of becoming a [...]

Gesunde Lebensmittel
Vegetarian: deficiency due to meatless diet?

More and more Germans are opting for a meat-free diet or are consciously reducing their meat consumption. According to ProVeg [...]

Vorteile und Nachteile von vegetarischer Ernährung
Are you happy going meatless as a vegetarian? Here are the advantages and disadvantages of a vegetarian diet

For a balanced diet, you should always be very careful with the food you eat. Happy as a vegetarian without [...]

Vegetarians: Is it healthy to avoid meat?

If you know what is important for your diet, you're definitely doing something good for yourself. Is being a vegetarian [...]

Colitis ulcerosa: Welche Ernährung ist die richtige?
Personalized nutrition: eat what’s good for you

Personalised nutrition: Everyone uses food differently: One person can eat a large piece of cake after a heavy main course [...]

Ernaehrungsplan erstellen lassen
Have a nutrition plan created: Professional and individual

Nutrition plays an important role in strengthening your intestinal flora and keeping your intestines healthy. After all, every food you eat [...]

How the change in diet succeeds

A permanent change in your own diet is not easy. The eating habits that you have trained for years remain stubbornly anchored [...]

Vegetarische Bowl Vegetarier*in werden und abnehmen: Ist es so einfach?
Tips for Intestinal Health nutrition

Eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly – three simple rules that form the basis for a [...]

Zucker ist dein Feind - Zucker in Schüsseln
Sugar is the enemy in the gut: Why your gut doesn’t like sugar

Sugar is the new bogeyman among foods. What today is called the "white poison" was in the Middle Ages the [...]

Irritable bowel syndrome: Which medications help?

The possible causes for irritable bowel syndrome are diverse and vary from person to person. Therefore, it is often not [...]

Vegane Lebensmittel: Pflanzliche Alternativen kennen
Irritable bowel syndrome: The right diet

An irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself differently in each person affected. There are no general nutritional recommendations for irritable bowel syndrome that [...]

woman sitting on her bed holding her stomach in discomfort
Treat irritable bowel syndrome: These options are available

Cramps in the gastrointestinal tract, loss of appetite, diarrhoea – an irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in many symptoms. As [...]

Irritable bowel syndrome: which symptom predominates

People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome have to live with the fact that it is usually not possible to [...]

Reizdarm und seine Ursache
Irritable bowel syndrome: What causes the symptoms?

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the intestinal tract that can trigger a variety of symptoms. They express [...]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Everybody suffers from a feeling of fullness - be it after a sumptuous family meal or when the appetite was [...]

Ulcerative colitis: medicines for every phase of the disease

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic intestinal disease, which so far has been considered as not curable. However, there are medication [...]

Estreñimiento – causas, síntomas y lo que le ayuda a tu intestino
Ulcerative colitis: What therapies are there?

Constant urge to stool, cramps, fever - the chronic inflammatory intestinal disease ulcerative colitis is unpleasant, painful and, in the worst case, [...]

Colitis ulcerosa: Wie äußern sich Schübe der Erkrankung
Ulcerative colitis: How do relapses of the disease manifest themselves?

Complaints in the gastrointestinal tract can have a variety of causes. These can often be traced back to a gastrointestinal [...]

Frau mit Schmerzen
Ulcerative Colitis: Symptoms and Complaints

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in the bowel. The name derives from the [...]

Ulcerative colitis: The causes of chronic bowel disease

Ulcerative colitis appears to have several reasons. Numerous studies provide indications of what causes the onset of chronic inflammatory bowel [...]

Probiotische Lebensmittel Käse Nahaufnahme
Probiotic food – or why your gut loves cheese

The stink is a real killer. Harz cheese, Limburger, Roquefort, cave cheese, they all stink! But cheese connoisseurs know: the [...]

How to fight the irritable bowel with the right nutrition

Rumbling, pulling, bubbling or pinching, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or just nasty stomach ache. If your bowels are going crazy, then [...]

Obst und Gemüse
What should you eat to lose weight? Feed these bacteria and they will help you!

Diet. That word makes your hair stand on end? We say: eat to lose weight! Yes, we mean it! But [...]

Love goes through the stomach. But can feelings also come from the intestine?

On Valentine's Day, we celebrate love. What a beautiful feeling to be in love! Then we have butterflies in our [...]

Sauerkraut Anleitung und Vorteile
Sauerkraut for digestion: How to make the natural probiotic yourself

Mmmmm… Sauerkraut! It tastes delicious, whether cold or warm, pure or as a side dish. With sauerkraut you not only [...]

Darmprobleme nach einer Behandlung mit Antibiotika Foto Medikamente
Stomach problems after antibiotics

In the case of a bacterial infection, doctors often prescribe an antibiotic. The drug is intended to quickly relieve a [...]

Darmfloraschutz nach Antibiotikaeinnahme Medikamentenfoto
Effective intestinal protection when taking antibiotics

How to protect gut flora when taking antibiotics? Since the discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, by Alexander Fleming in [...]

Medikamente Morbus Crohn
Crohn’s disease: Which medication help?

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease and not curable. Patients must therefore prepare for life-long therapy. If the [...]

Vegetarische Bowl Vegetarier*in werden und abnehmen: Ist es so einfach?
Crohn’s disease: the right diet for more well-being

The cause of Crohn's disease and some other intestinal diseases is not fully understood. However, certain environmental factors and dietary habits seem to increase [...]

Frau mit Symptome Darmerkrankung
Crohn’s disease: therapy options

If complaints occur in the gastrointestinal tract, a diagnosis of the cause is often only possible after lengthy examinations and [...]

Morbus Crohn Schübe - w
Crohn’s disease and the complex diagnosis

Crohn's disease is a bowel disease that causes severe inflammation, especially in the intestinal mucosa. But usually not only the [...]

Superheld mit Mantel und Maske
Intestinal bacteria – the superheroes in your body

They crawl and teem and keep crawling everywhere - bacteria. Over 100 trillion of these little things live in your [...]

Morbus Crohn Schübe - w
Crohn’s disease: What happens during a relapse?

Crohn's disease occurs in cycles and relapses can happen often. The course of Crohn's disease makes it so there are [...]

Frauenhände_Herzform auf dem Bauch
Intestinal flora – what is it actually?

Intestinal flora - what is it actually? Such a flowery word - intestinal flora. It has nothing to do with [...]

Crohn’s disease: possible causes of chronic illness

Scientists have been intensively researching Crohn's disease and its causes for years. Nevertheless, the disease still poses a number of [...]

Morbus Crohn Symptome
Crohn’s disease: These symptoms are typical

Crohn's disease manifests itself in various symptoms. In the beginning they are still unspecific and do not have to be [...]

Woman holding a paper
Many suffer from it, only few talk about it

These are the most common causes of diarrhea The runs, backdoor trots, meals on wheels: Probably there are so many [...]

Close Up müssen Medikamente sein?
Intestinal inflammation: Do medicines have to be taken?

In the case of intestinal inflammation - i.e. gastroenteritis - the intestinal mucosa is usually irritated. The triggers for the irritation [...]

Darmentzüngung_behandeln was ist zu beachten - Foto eines Labors
Treat intestinal inflammation: What should be noted?

Frequent stomach cramps, pain, diarrhoea or even fever are just some of the numerous symptoms of stomach or intestinal diseases. With [...]

Symptome und Darmentzündung
Intestinal inflammation and its symptoms

Bowel inflammation are very unspecific. This makes it so difficult to recognize the disease immediately. For this reason, a thorough [...]

Darmflora: Immunsystem aus dem Bauch heraus Foto Darm
The most common symptoms of intestinal disease

If you have bowel disease symptoms, the question you may have is: Are the symptoms due to the intestine or [...]

Darmflora-Bakterien: Welche Mikroben bevölkern unseren Darm?
Bacteria of the intestinal flora: Which microbes populate our intestines?

Many people associate bacteria with contamination and the risk of infection. In our intestines, however, the microbes are quite welcome: [...]

Gute und schlechte Bakterien in deinem Darm
You are not alone!

Learn how your billions of bacteria are always there for you. In the cleaning department of a drugstore, there is [...]

Gewürze Nahaufnahme Hausmittel Darmfloraaufbau
Building up the gut: these home remedies for your intestinal flora

With these 10 home remedies you build up your intestinal flora best A sore throat and earache and the doctor [...]

gesundes Essen, gesunder Darm!
This food will make your gut happy

…and of course, you too! For a while now scientists have been investigating the connection between emotions and the intestinal [...]

Your fitness starts in the gut. Don’t you believe that?

Your intestinal flora is like a living community in your body. Here live billions of bacteria on eight meters intestine. [...]

Muskel Fitness
BIOMES awarded in all points: INTEST.pro is test winner in international comparison of microbiome test kits

Wildau, 15 November 2018 - In a total of eight comparison criteria, the INTEST.pro intestinal flora self-test was able to [...]

Darmfloraschutz nach Antibiotikaeinnahme Medikamentenfoto
Intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotics

Help for bacteria It is necessary to restore your stomach flora after antibiotics. Because antibiotics work against natural bacteria in [...]

Get to know your bacteria

How an intestinal flora analysis can help you overcome your constipation During a session in the loo, breaking out in [...]

Abnehmen mit Darmbakterien - so gehts
Losing weight with intestinal bacteria – which bacteria help you and which can prevent you from losing weight

Let us introduce: your little weight loss helpers Get to know the intestinal bacteria that can help you lose a [...]

Irritable Bowel and Intestinal Discomfort

Millions of people in Germany live with intestinal complaints such as irritable bowel and digestive problems. These include constipation (i.e. [...]

Close Up müssen Medikamente sein?
Intestinal flora after taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are medicines that are often used to treat bacterial infectious diseases because they have the effect of inhibiting and [...]

Probiotic food cans full range and offer

What are probiotics and how do they increase our well-being? The term "probiotic" derives from Latin and is composed of [...]