Das Immunsystem ist unser Schutzschild gegen Krankheitserreger – eine leistungsstarke Barriere, oder vielmehr ein Wächter, der schädliche Bakterien, Viren, Pilze, [...]
The intestine can digest much more than "just" food: A network of around 100 million nerve cells runs through the entire gastrointestinal tract and [...]
Bubbling, growling, mumbling: Stomach and intestines like to make themselves noticeable. How does this actually happen, and are particularly loud [...]
An irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself differently in each person affected. There are no general nutritional recommendations for irritable bowel syndrome that [...]
Constant urge to stool, cramps, fever - the chronic inflammatory intestinal disease ulcerative colitis is unpleasant, painful and, in the worst case, [...]
The cause of Crohn's disease and some other intestinal diseases is not fully understood. However, certain environmental factors and dietary habits seem to increase [...]