We offer Cutting-Edge Biotechnology & Customized Solutions

State-of-the-art, evidence-based and easy to reproduce solutions

We thrive to push diagnostics and research for all organisms to the next level.

The Microbiome
Trillions of microbes – bacteria, viruses, fungi – colonize our bodies forming the microbiome and impact bodily functions and health. Over the last years microbiome research has developed rapidly and contributed to the understanding of its importance in science and healthcare. At BIOMES we want to help people understand their bodies better and aid in preventative healthcare. A big part of that is helping the scientific community grow and progress. Therefore we want to offer the ideal solution in sequencing for all fields of microbiome research and beyond.
Our Data Science Services
As an end-to-end provider we include bioinformatic analyses with all of our packages. This state-of-the-art analysis comes with many quality control checks and we offer everything from basic data statistics to full, publication-ready analysis and visualization. Most of our solutions come with expert consultation so we can find and discuss the perfect methods and results with you.
Basic Solution ▲
- Alpha-diversity analysis based on Shannon-index + Boxplot + Statistical Test (Wilcoxon)
- Beta-diversity analysis based on Aitchison distance + Ordination Plot (PCA) + Multivariate Statistic (Permanova)
- Differential abundance testing based on ANCOMBC + optional confounder correction + Plot
Advanced Solution ▼
- Alpha-diversity analysis including boxplots and statistical analyses. Multiple indices available (Shannon, inverse Simpson, Richness, Chao1)
- Beta-diversity analysis with Ordination-Plot (PCA, PCoA, NMDS) based on three distance metrics of choice (Euclidian, Aitchison, Bray-Curtis, Unifrac, unweighted Unifrac)
- Differential Abundance Analysis of choice (ANCOM, ANCOMBC, Lefse, Wilcoxon, Kruskal Wallis)
Maximum Solution ▼
- The methods included in our Maximum Solution are fully customizable and will be decided upon during thorough consultation with our Data-Science Team
Publication-ready Data Analysis
Visualization of taxonomic abundances in different samples. Discover microbial patterns between experimental groups
Count of each Amplicon Sequencing Variant per Sample

Our Laboratory Service
At BIOMES your samples are analyzed at our own, highly automated lab, located near Berlin, Germany. We utilize liquid-handling systems and up-to-date methods to offer reliable and reproducible results. Our DNA extraction methods are chosen by sample type and optimized for maximum material yield. Our precise Quality-Control system helps us keep track of your samples. Our lab works fast and efficient so in most cases data is available after only a handful of weeks – on top of that we offer fast-track options in many cases.
- Sample collection with our Research Kit included in all packages
- Sample collection tubes standardized for optimal comparability and to exclude all biases
- Samples preparation using mechanical, thermal & chemical lysis
- Ample range of sequencing and other methods: 16S rDNA sequencing, ITS2 sequencing, Whole Genome Sequencing, RNA seq, qPCR
- Illumina MiSeq system using 2 x 300 bp paired-end protocol & Illumina NEXTSeq system using 2 x 150 bp paired-end protocol
- Raw data in FastQ format
Are you missing something? This is only an excerpt of our full range of services. Feel free to contact us about other methods and pricings.
All-In-One Solutions
We offer three different models to fit your needs and experiences best – whether you need a reliable, basic analysis or deeply analyzed publication-ready data. We help you focus on the real science, while our reliable crew and machines get you the data you need to see the big picture.
Basic Solution ▲
95 € per sample
- Expert sample extraction
- Automated liquid-handling system
- 16S & ITS2 sequencing*
- Standard lab analysis workflow
- Raw data on request
- Basic science consultation
- Basic biostatistic analyses*
- Output data as ASVs
Advanced Solution ▼
Individual pricing
- Expert sample extraction
- Automated liquid-handling system
- Pick from a variety of sequencing methods*
- Standard lab analysis workflow
- Raw data on request
- In-depth science and method consultation
- Advanced biostatistic analysis*
- Output data in format of your choice
Maximum Solution ▼
Individual pricing
- Expert sample extraction
- Automated liquid-handling system
- Pick from a variety of sequencing methods*
- Fast-track options for our lab-workflow
- Raw data on request
- In-depth consultation & specialist contact person
- Publication-grade analysis and visualization*
- Output data in format of your choice
Our All-in-One packages come with publication-ready results, created by our highly trained researchers.
Our data analysis is on the forefront of modern science and gives you comprehensive insights into your samples.
Our very own Laboratory operates under the highest, technological standards and is near-fully automated.
BIOMES cultivates a science-positive environment. That’s why we want to help researchers be as successful as they can be – Through our services and otherwise.
Results for most sample types are optimized using the BIOMES Reference Database.
Our Research Kit comes with our own DNA-stabilizing Buffer. Helping us achieve the most precise result possible.