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BIOMES awarded in all points: is test winner in international comparison of microbiome test kits
Wildau, 15 November 2018 – In a total of eight comparison criteria, the intestinal flora self-test was able to convince the editorial team of MyMicrobiome and prevail over competitors. As “Winner for the best microbiome test kit 2018”, the biotech and lifestyle company BIOMES has also revised its customer-friendly user interface (dashboard). This dashboard provides a better overview of the test results and thus offers users even better access to information about their own gut flora and its condition.
Our body performs miracles every day, whether it is cognitive or physical. The machinery with which we accomplish great things every day is taken for granted by many and must function in everyday life. The intestine has a great impact on our well-being and physical health, because it is here that food is utilised in its individual components and made available to the body as fuel. The balance of the intestinal flora therefore plays an important role: if it is not present, this has a negative effect on well-being.
Self-tests for analysing this balance are available on the market in numerous variants. For this reason, Kristin Neumann, who holds a doctorate in molecular and microbiology, has made it her task with her specialist portal “MyMicrobiome – me and my bacteria” to regularly compare different microbiome test kits, taking into account scientific as well as consumer aspects of the kits.
Test winner with 2.8 out of 3 stars:
In comparison with four other products from international manufacturers, came out as the test winner with a rating of 2.8 out of a total of 3 possible stars. In all comparison criteria (price, delivery, packaging, instructions, sampling, return, duration of evaluation and presentation of results), the test was convincing almost without deductions and scored especially in the area of presentation of results. “The reports from BIOMES […] were very well designed and give a very good overview of everything. BIOMES summarises the data […] in the new dashboard and provides recipes tailored to the examined microbiome”, is an excerpt from the test result description. The entire report is available here:
High user-friendliness in the first place
In order to provide all users with an even better presentation of results, the young company has once again revised its dashboard. All results that were obtained anonymously with the help of are now quicker to grasp and easier for the user to understand. “BIOMES […] made browsing easy,” says Neumann in her evaluation. In addition to the test results, explanatory information is also provided regarding the different bacteria found in the intestinal flora. In addition, the user has access to a report as a PDF, recipe recommendations that suit him or her, as well as useful probiotics to restore a damaged intestinal flora.
Further advantages over other tests
BIOMES has launched, the first complete DNA-based gut flora analysis that identifies the entirety of all known bacterial genomes in the human gut. is a self-test that can be carried out in familiar surroundings (e.g. at home) and subsequently provides individual recommendations for improving health and increasing well-being through analysis and the creation of a personal microbiota profile. The analysis is anonymous and can be accessed online by entering an order number.
Compared to classical analyses, is up to 80 per cent more informative, as it is based on the analysis of the DNA of the intestinal bacteria and thus recognises almost 100 per cent of all bacteria. Classical analyses (cultivation of the stool sample on a Petri dish) already lose most of the bacteria during transport to the laboratory and are limited in their analysis to a maximum of 20 per cent of the intestinal bacteria. However, many known digestive complaints, such as irritable bowel syndrome, are often due to an imbalance of the intestinal flora, which can only be recognised and remedied with a comprehensive analysis.
Furthermore, the interpretation of the analysis is based on the use and evaluation of results of microbiome studies collected worldwide and stored in an extensive database. Subsequently, the client receives individually tailored recommendations for action and nutritional plans to rebuild the intestinal flora. also differs in price from other tests. At 139 euros (incl. VAT), it is comparatively inexpensive and thus affordable for health-conscious consumers. The intestinal flora self-test and the probiotic dietary supplements developed by BIOMES are already available online at