Whether it be pesticides, fast food, medicines, or cosmetics, our bodies have a lot of toxins to process. Our intestines, [...]

What are detoxifying foods?
If you have a healthy diet, drink enough water, and exercise twice a week, you are doing a lot right. Nevertheless, you still have toxins in your body. Our bodies cannot completely keep out toxins in food and the air. Although our detoxification system is working at full speed, the liver, gallbladder, and lymphatic system should not be stressed more than necessary. Detoxifying foods can help your body clean itself. With the right foods in your diet, you can boost your body’s detox function and help it fight harmful substances on a daily basis.
Green Tea: A Mild Antioxidant
A miracle liquid for detoxification is green tea. Its recipe for success: antioxidants. The catechins within green tea help to protect the body from toxins. This is important since toxins can promote diseases and attack healthy tissue. At the same time, catechins strengthen liver function and natural detoxifying effects. Another benefit is the diuretic effect of green tea. It gently flushes toxins out of the body without dehydrating it. Just one or two cups a day, whether hot or cold, can help detoxify the body. Those who avoid drinking coffee, sweetened fruit juices, lemonade, and alcoholic beverages contribute even more to the natural detoxification of his or her body.
Detoxifying food – Lemon: Fruity energy boost
Lemons provide a fresh energy boost. This is mainly due to the high vitamin C content which is indispensable for the production of liver-supporting glutathione.
Although lemons taste sour, their juices turn into alkaline within the body. Therefore, lemons have a detoxifying quality which positively effects digestion and contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins.
One way you can consume this vitalising food is simply by mixing the juice of half a lemon with a glass of warm water. You can enjoy this drink every morning on an empty stomach.
Detoxifying food – Ginger: Lemony-spicy herb
When discussing the detoxification effect of certain foods, ginger takes the lead. This is mainly due to its properties which includes gingerol and shogaol. These properties increase metabolism and stimulate the natural detoxification process within the body.
Ginger tea is often consumed for its detoxification effects. This beneficial drink can be prepared in a few minutes. Simply grate two teaspoons of fresh ginger, add to hot water, and let the ginger sit for five to ten minutes.
Detoxifying food – Avocado: Green fibre guarantee
Whether as a sandwich spread, in salads, or in pasta sauce, the avocado has become more and more popular. It can even help our liver´sfunctions. The high vitamin K content of the avocado protects this detoxification organ from toxins. This green fruit also provides plenty of fibre that supports both digestion and the body’s natural detoxification processes. About half an avocado daily, whether in a smoothie or on a sandwich, supports you in detoxifying your body.
Detoxifying food – Linseed: Active support for digestion
Just like avocados, linseed is good for your digestion. They swell up in the intestines and stimulate intestinal activity. In order for ingredients to be better absorbed in the intestine, you should crush or grind the linseed. This makes them an excellent topping for salads. The liquid alternative: You put a teaspoon of ground linseed in a glass of warm water and drink this mixture every day on an empty stomach for two weeks.
Detoxification diet – BIOMES helps
Every human body is different. That is why a standard diet plan never meets the specific needs of each individual. For this reason, BIOMES focuses on personalised recommendations.
We can offer the INTEST.prothat provides a reliable analysis of your intestinal bacteria. Take a stool sample with the test kit and send it to BIOMES. Our scientists evaluate your intestinal flora according to the highest biotechnological standards. With the results, you will not only learn how your digestion system is doing, but you will also receive useful nutrition tips. Which detoxifying foods are particularly good for you? Which food should you avoid? Our online dashboard has the answers.