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Detox-Getränk Entgiftungskur

Detoxification made easy

Whether it be pesticides, fast food, medicines, or cosmetics, our bodies have a lot of toxins to process. Our intestines, kidneys, liver, and skin have a lot of hard work to do on a daily basis. Having access to detoxification helpers allows our bodies to heal.

You do not need a doctor’s prescription for this short-term therapy if you are otherwise healthy. You simply prescribe it yourself. You can start your personal detox program comfortably at home and easily integrate it into your everyday life.

Detoxification at home: Preparation is the most important thing

Detoxing helps your most valuable asset: your body. This makes it even more important to prepare yourself for detox thoroughly. First, you have to make sure that you are have a well-thought out and personalised nutrition plan. But what distinguishes a good nutrition plan from a bad one? Furthermore, what foods does your body need and what should you avoid?

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How does a detox at home work?

Your nutrition plan is the starting point for the detoxification process. First, it’s about the intestine since it must first be emptied. This is followed by so-called juice days. During this phase, your digestion and metabolism processes should be stimulated. This gives irritated intestinal flora an opportunity to recover. This phase is called juice days because only liquids such as water, juice, and tea are allowed.

Afterwards, further detoxification of the body relies on a diet rich in fibre consisting of fruit and vegetables. Only slowly do solid foods return to the plate. It is important to integrate these foods gradually and carefully.

How long the detoxification process lasts is entirely up to you. From weekly cycles, to regular detox days, to a full month of detox, everyone detoxifies in their own way.

Detoxify body according to plan – these foods are taboo

Detoxification means avoiding a number of foods and habits permanently. For the most part, acidic and luxury foods have no place in a nutrition plan. You should avoid the following:

  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • White flour
  • Cheese
  • Sugar
  • Meat

Abstaining from these foods can help bring your acid-base level back into balance. If your acid-base level is out of balance, hyperacidity can be the result. When this occurs, you may feel weak, tend to have impure skin, gain weight more quickly, and/or suffer from persistent muscle tension. Migraines, dental problems, and cellulite may also be symptoms. If a balanced acid-base level returns, the symptoms often disappear by themselves.

Helpful tips for your personal detox at home

The following tips can be very useful for your detox diet:

  • Drink at least 2 litres daily, preferably water and tea.
  • Eat green vegetables. Broccoli, courgettes, spinach, and green asparagus are real vitamin wonders.
  • For candy lovers, replace chocolate and gummi bears during your detox with protein-rich snacks such as nuts and legumes.
  • Include relaxing baths and massages during the detox process.
  • Make sure you get a good night’s rest. This means at least seven to nine hours sleep per day.
  • When you exercise in the fresh air, you support the cleaning process.
  • Reduce stress factors.
  • Relax during yoga, Pilates, or meditation.
  • Avoid physical exertion such as endurance sports, saunas, or sunbathing.

Let the detoxification treatment end gradually

Just as important as the preparation is the follow-up. Especially after pure juice or smoothie fasts, you have to slowly get your body used to solid food again. Give it time. With small, light meals, you can let the detoxification process gently end at home. A good choice is vegetable soups, semolina porridge, rice pudding, or fruit salad.

  • Sources:
  • Siener, Roswitha: Säure-Basen-Haushalt und Ernährung (Ernährungs Umschau, 2011) (PDF)
  • Klein, A.V. & Kiat, H. (2015) Detox diets for toxin elimination and weight management: a critical review of the evidence. J Hum Nutr Diet. 28, 675– 686 doi: 10.1111/jhn.12286
  • Entgiftungsdiäten – DGE
  • Yoshida K, Ushida Y, Ishijima T, Suganuma H, Inakuma T, Yajima N, Abe K, Nakai Y. (2015) Broccoli sprout extract induces detoxification-related gene expression and attenuates acute liver injury. World J Gastroenterol.;21(35):10091-103. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i35.10091
  • Chen CH. (2012) Activation and Detoxification Enzymes: Functions and Implications.
  • Moon YJ, Wang X, Morris ME. (2006) Dietary flavonoids: effects on xenobiotic and carcinogen metabolism. Toxicol In Vitro.;20(2):187-210. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2005.06.048
Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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