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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Darmprobleme nach einer Behandlung mit Antibiotika Foto Medikamente
Stomach problems after antibiotics

In the case of a bacterial infection, doctors often prescribe an antibiotic. The drug is intended to quickly relieve a [...]

Darmfloraschutz nach Antibiotikaeinnahme Medikamentenfoto
Effective intestinal protection when taking antibiotics

How to protect gut flora when taking antibiotics? Since the discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, by Alexander Fleming in [...]

Medikamente Morbus Crohn
Crohn’s disease: Which medication help?

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease and not curable. Patients must therefore prepare for life-long therapy. If the [...]

Vegetarische Bowl Vegetarier*in werden und abnehmen: Ist es so einfach?
Crohn’s disease: the right diet for more well-being

The cause of Crohn's disease and some other intestinal diseases is not fully understood. However, certain environmental factors and dietary habits seem to increase [...]

Frau mit Symptome Darmerkrankung
Crohn’s disease: therapy options

If complaints occur in the gastrointestinal tract, a diagnosis of the cause is often only possible after lengthy examinations and [...]

Morbus Crohn Schübe - w
Crohn’s disease and the complex diagnosis

Crohn's disease is a bowel disease that causes severe inflammation, especially in the intestinal mucosa. But usually not only the [...]

Superheld mit Mantel und Maske
Intestinal bacteria – the superheroes in your body

They crawl and teem and keep crawling everywhere - bacteria. Over 100 trillion of these little things live in your [...]

Morbus Crohn Schübe - w
Crohn’s disease: What happens during a relapse?

Crohn's disease occurs in cycles and relapses can happen often. The course of Crohn's disease makes it so there are [...]

Frauenhände_Herzform auf dem Bauch
Intestinal flora – what is it actually?

Intestinal flora - what is it actually? Such a flowery word - intestinal flora. It has nothing to do with [...]

Crohn’s disease: possible causes of chronic illness

Scientists have been intensively researching Crohn's disease and its causes for years. Nevertheless, the disease still poses a number of [...]