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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Adiposity Grades

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified three different obesity levels that depend on a number of variables. The aim [...]

Abnehmen mit Darmbakterien So gehts Foto Fettmessgerät
Adiposity: definition, risk factors and symptoms

Popular disease overweight: In Germany alone, about 67 percent of all men and 53 percent of all women are overweight. [...]

Bacteroidetes: That is why you should care for them

Your intestine is home to a multitude of bacteria – in total, your intestinal microbiome (the technical term for your [...]

Muscle gain in a old age

Muscle building exercises are important at any age. At BIOMES you can find out what muscle building exercises should look [...]

Gesunde Lebensmittel
High Protein: Support muscle building with targeted protein supply

Proteins, i.e. albuminous substances, are among the most important building blocks of the body. They consist of various vital amino [...]

Abnehmen mit Stoffwechselanalyse
Metabolic analysis – losing weight in harmony with the metabolism?

If you want to lose weight, you should stimulate your metabolism. What sounds easy in theory is sometimes not so [...]

Detox-Wasser-Cocktail Anleitung
Purification cure – this is how Detox works

Whether on time for the summer holidays, after an extended Christmas feast or simply in between - detoxing is the [...]

Detox-Getränk Entgiftungskur
Detoxification made easy

Whether it be pesticides, fast food, medicines, or cosmetics, our bodies have a lot of toxins to process. Our intestines, [...]

Detoxify the body: with natural methods

There are numerous theories and opinions about pollutants stored in the body and how they can be flushed out again. [...]

Colitis ulcerosa: Die Ursachen der chronischen Darmkrankheit
Important food supplements for vegans

When you eat vegan food, you avoid all animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. But they [...]