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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
Darmgeräusche Assoziationsbild Hände auf Bauch
Bowel sounds

Bubbling, growling, mumbling: Stomach and intestines like to make themselves noticeable. How does this actually happen, and are particularly loud [...]

Frau mit gestresstem Darm und Stressbauch
How your bowel triggers stress and stress burdens your bowel

"Stress hits the stomach": You've probably experienced the real effects of that saying yourself. The entire digestive tract is closely [...]

Aufbau Immunsystem. Gutes und starkes Immunsystem. Frau mit Schirm
Immune system composition

In everyday life, everyone comes into contact with a multitude of pathogens. It is the task of your body's own [...]

ausgewogener Ernährung: Frisches Lachsfilet mit Kräutern, Gewürzen und Gemüse
Strengthen your immune system: With a balanced diet

"You are what you eat", "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", "Eat yourself healthy" – nutrition and the [...]

Viren gegen Abwehrkräfte auf der Spur
Testing the immune system: Keeping track of the defensive forces

Your immune system must perform at its best every day. While most people's defenses do their job reliably, other people [...]

Immunschwäche wenn die Abwehr nicht funktioniert
Immunodeficiency: When the immune system goes on strike

Actually the immune system is very resistant. However, it occasionally happens that it is unable to fight off pathogens that [...]

Eltern mit Kindern
Strengthen the immune system: Children benefit from this

The human immune system is extremely complex – it therefore takes several years for it to fully develop. At the [...]

The best for the baby: Strengthening the immune system from the very beginning

At the beginning of their lives, babies are still protected by maternal antibodies. This protection slowly decreases during the first [...]

Muscle building for beginners: How to get started

With muscle building your body reacts when the corresponding muscle is irritated by training. If you challenge your body beyond [...]

Fast muscle gain – this is how you achieve visible success

You owe muscle mass to the adaptation process of your body: If you challenge it beyond its previous performance limits, [...]