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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
Muscle building for beginners: How to get started

With muscle building your body reacts when the corresponding muscle is irritated by training. If you challenge your body beyond [...]

Fast muscle gain – this is how you achieve visible success

You owe muscle mass to the adaptation process of your body: If you challenge it beyond its previous performance limits, [...]

Paar frühstückt, gesundes essen
Support muscle building through proper nutrition

You've been lifting weights in the gym for weeks, but the muscles just won't grow? In this case, your diet [...]

E-coli-Bakterien - das machen sie im Darm
E. coli bacteria: That’s what they do in the intestines

What are E. coli bacteria? E. coli bacteria – or simply E. coli bacteria – are considered to be the [...]

Ist Abnehmen ohne Sport und Radikaldiät möglich
Is it possible to lose weight without sport and a radical diet?

You have little time for sports in everyday life – or physical limitations prevent you from doing so? That doesn't [...]

Trainer misst das Körperfett einer sportlichen Frau mit einem Messschieber.
Calculate body fat percentage: Which values are healthy?

Body fat regulates body temperature, protects organs and tissues and is one of the most important energy stores in humans. [...]

Síndrome del intestino irritable – un diagnóstico con desviaciones
Intestinal diet – what is it?

If you want to lose weight, you have to have a healthy diet and do sports. So far, so right? [...]

How to get rid of extra abdominal fat

A little hip gold is no reason for a diet: after all, adipose tissue regulates your body temperature, protects your [...]

Calculate ideal weight – this is how it works

Some rely on their gut feeling, others on the display of their scales. Still others swear by a measuring tape [...]

Vegan diet – the 6 best foods for a balanced intestinal flora

With vegans, nothing coming from an animal can get on the plate. They live without meat, fish, eggs, honey and [...]