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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
How intestinal bacteria work in constipation

Did you know? How the toilet flushes out depends on trillions of little helpers. We're talking intestinal bacteria. Constipation, diarrhoea [...]

Mutter mit Kind
Building up the intestinal flora in a child: Here’s how

Our intestines not only take care of our digestion, but also have to cope with environmental influences and stress every [...]

Darmflora nach Darmspiegelung Mikroskop
Intestinal flora after colonoscopy: How to rebuild it

With the help of a colonoscopy, changes in the bowel can be detected early on. During the examination, the doctor [...]

Magen-Darm-Tee Darmflora nach Grippe aufbauen
Build up intestinal flora after gastro-enteritis: Here’s how it works

Gastrointestinal diseases are among the most common infectious diseases. If the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are inflamed, [...]

Darmflora: Immunsystem aus dem Bauch heraus Foto Darm
Intestinal flora: immune system from the stomach

80 percent of the defence cells are located in the intestine. The intestine and its bacterial strains thus play a [...]

Darmsanierung: So funktioniert’s in Eigenregie
Intestinal cleansing: How it works all by itself

Thousands of species of bacteria live in the intestines. Together they form the microbiome, your individual intestinal flora. Sometimes it [...]

Darmentzündung und welche Ernährung empfehlenswert ist

Diet to improve gut bacteria?What do your defence system, your metabolism and your psyche have in common? According to research, [...]

Gestörte Darmflora: Wenn Darmbakterien Symptome hervorrufen
Disturbed intestinal flora: When intestinal bacteria cause symptoms

Where is the body's own defence system actually located? It is now scientifically proven that the immune system is largely [...]

Inflammation of the bowel

People who frequently have problems with their stomach and intestines know that it is often difficult to find the exact [...]

Darmentzündung und welche Ernährung empfehlenswert ist
Inflammation of the bowels: What diet is recommended?

What diet is recommended? The correct nutrition plan plays a decisive role in intestinal inflammation since it can relieve symptoms and promote [...]