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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
Morbus Crohn Symptome
Crohn’s disease: These symptoms are typical

Crohn's disease manifests itself in various symptoms. In the beginning they are still unspecific and do not have to be [...]

Woman holding a paper
Many suffer from it, only few talk about it

These are the most common causes of diarrhea The runs, backdoor trots, meals on wheels: Probably there are so many [...]

Close Up müssen Medikamente sein?
Intestinal inflammation: Do medicines have to be taken?

In the case of intestinal inflammation - i.e. gastroenteritis - the intestinal mucosa is usually irritated. The triggers for the irritation [...]

Darmentzüngung_behandeln was ist zu beachten - Foto eines Labors
Treat intestinal inflammation: What should be noted?

Frequent stomach cramps, pain, diarrhoea or even fever are just some of the numerous symptoms of stomach or intestinal diseases. With [...]

Symptome und Darmentzündung
Intestinal inflammation and its symptoms

Bowel inflammation are very unspecific. This makes it so difficult to recognize the disease immediately. For this reason, a thorough [...]

Darmflora: Immunsystem aus dem Bauch heraus Foto Darm
The most common symptoms of intestinal disease

If you have bowel disease symptoms, the question you may have is: Are the symptoms due to the intestine or [...]

Darmflora-Bakterien: Welche Mikroben bevölkern unseren Darm?
Bacteria of the intestinal flora: Which microbes populate our intestines?

Many people associate bacteria with contamination and the risk of infection. In our intestines, however, the microbes are quite welcome: [...]

Gute und schlechte Bakterien in deinem Darm
You are not alone!

Learn how your billions of bacteria are always there for you. In the cleaning department of a drugstore, there is [...]

Gewürze Nahaufnahme Hausmittel Darmfloraaufbau
Building up the gut: these home remedies for your intestinal flora

With these 10 home remedies you build up your intestinal flora best A sore throat and earache and the doctor [...]

gesundes Essen, gesunder Darm!
This food will make your gut happy

…and of course, you too! For a while now scientists have been investigating the connection between emotions and the intestinal [...]