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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
Die spezifische Immunabwehr
The specific immune response – what is it actually?

The immune system is the bouncer of your body. It decides who gets in and who gets out. And your [...]

Vegane Lebensmittel: Pflanzliche Alternativen kennen
Long-term slimming – with the help of intestinal rehabilitation

A bowel restoration can help you to restore the balanced state of your bowel. The aim of intestinal rehabilitation is to [...]

Fruchtsalat mit Minze
Nutrient deficiency

With a healthy and varied diet vegetarians usually have no nutrient deficiencies to fear. Vegetarians should pay attention to nutrients [...]

Nahaufnahme Wasserkefirkristalle
Water kefir – The probiotic lemonade!

What is water kefir? The kefir crystals (also called Japanese crystals, Japanese seaweed, tibicos or Himalayan crystal algae) are small, [...]

Digestion: enzymes play a central role

We eat what we like. And we absorb important nutrients with our food. However, thorough chewing alone is not enough [...]

Kombucha – trendy drink or natural miracle cure?

What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea that is easy to make using a kombucha culture (tea fungus, SCOBY [...]

Frau mit Laktoseintoleranz
Intestinal rehabilitation for lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance: Treat the gut to a cure Lactose intolerance can be hard on the gut, especially if you continue [...]

Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau
Lose weight and build muscle: How is that compatible?

Build muscle and lose fat is based on different metabolic processes. Build muscle and lose fat? And both have contradictory [...]

Strengthening your immune system

The immune system is the biological defence system against pathogens Your immune system protects you from infections and improves your [...]

Darmflora nach der Darmspiegelung: So baust du sie wieder auf
How intestinal bacteria work with flatulence

Your stomach sometimes feels unpleasantly bloated or very hard after eating or in the morning? You are not alone with [...]