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Dr. Paul Hammer
CEO & Founder
Dr Paul Hammer is the founder and CEO of BIOMES NGS GmbH. Paul received his PhD in systems biology and bioinformatics in 2012.
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Weitere Beiträge von der Autorin
Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau
Strength and Performance

Get the bowel going with sport Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? Then you are already doing [...]

Kategoriefoto Ernährung Nahaufnahme Topview Arbeitsplatte
Recipes and Ideas

The gut can be colonised by good bacteria which help you digest your food and bad bacteria, which are a [...]

Schnell abnehmen: Erfolg auch ohne Radikaldiät
Successfully lose weight

Lose weight effectively: Without stress through long-term dietary changes On average, we spend six years of our lives on diets [...]

Gesunde Gemüsekiste mit vielen Ballaststoffen und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen
Strengthen immune system

Das Immunsystem ist unser Schutzschild gegen Krankheitserreger – eine leistungsstarke Barriere, oder vielmehr ein Wächter, der schädliche Bakterien, Viren, Pilze, [...]

Bad skin? Your gut microbiome could be to blame

Bad skin? Your gut microbiome could be to blame Experts reveal top tips on how good gut health can help [...]

Die spezifische Immunabwehr
The specific immune response – what is it actually?

The immune system is the bouncer of your body. It decides who gets in and who gets out. And your [...]

Vegane Lebensmittel: Pflanzliche Alternativen kennen
Long-term slimming – with the help of intestinal rehabilitation

A bowel restoration can help you to restore the balanced state of your bowel. The aim of intestinal rehabilitation is to [...]

Fruchtsalat mit Minze
Nutrient deficiency

With a healthy and varied diet vegetarians usually have no nutrient deficiencies to fear. Vegetarians should pay attention to nutrients [...]

Nahaufnahme Wasserkefirkristalle
Water kefir – The probiotic lemonade!

What is water kefir? The kefir crystals (also called Japanese crystals, Japanese seaweed, tibicos or Himalayan crystal algae) are small, [...]

Digestion: enzymes play a central role

We eat what we like. And we absorb important nutrients with our food. However, thorough chewing alone is not enough [...]