Gesunder Darm, gesunder Schlaf? Wildau, 25. August 2021 – Jede*r dritte Deutsche schläft seit der Covid-19 Pandemie schlechter. Das ergab [...]

Life Science Start-up BIOMES got 2 Million Euro investment by GPS Ventures GmbH
Berlin/Wildau, December 7, 2020 With another investment of two million euros, this time by GPS Ventures GmbH, Berlin, the biotech start-up BIOMES is finalizing the second closing of the 4 million euro financing round opened in February 2020. In spring, early-stage financier yabeo had already provided two million euros for the rapidly growing life science company. BIOMES uses state-of-the-art biotechnological processes to analyse bacteria that live in and on the human body. The first product to appear in 2018 was a gut flora self-test, which is now marketed internationally.
BIOMES has so far been able to participate in the dynamic market development to an above-average extent. The new capital is meant to support this process. Dr. Paul Hammer, CEO and founder of BIOMES: „In addition to the expansion of the product range with tests for pets and children, we now need to focus on scientific studies on the microbiome and the expansion of sales and marketing activities. At the same time, we want to attract more specialists to our team and expand our international network of sales and research partners“. During the pandemic year 2020, BIOMES also demonstrated the flexibility of its proprietary technology platform that underpins all services offered. Within a very short time, the start-up set up a COVID-19 test track, which has already been used to process thousands of corona samples from Berlin and Brandenburg.
Dr Albrecht Bochow, General Partner of GPS Ventures, explains the investment with his confidence in BIOMES‚ vision: „Genome-based applications have great potential worldwide. More and more people are interested in the processes taking place in their bodies. They want to know how they live the healthiest and therefore the longest lives. This is where BIOMES comes in. Thanks to a strong research and development department, the company is perfectly equipped to position itself permanently in the emerging eHealth market“.
BIOMES‚ mission is to provide people with individually tailored measures for a healthier life. This includes the gut flora self-test using the Next-Generation-Sequencing method to examine the DNA of the intestinal bacteria. The results are compared with a proprietary database of over 7,000 scientific and clinical studies on the microbiome. Based on the analysis, the start-up offers their customers specific recommendations for increasing their well-being and performance, for instance in the form of probiotic food supplements and personalised nutrition plans.
At BIOMES all processes – from laboratory and IT to product development – are executed in-house. As a result, the company boasts a high potential for product diversification. The aim of the start-up is to gradually transform the existing healthcare system by developing further genome-based applications. This will be done by focusing more on preventive measures instead of simply treating diseases.